An Introduction to My Travel Journey!

An Introduction to My Travel Journey!
Photo by Eva Darron / Unsplash

First time here?

Glad you found this place! Hi, I'm Thato, and this is my travel journey!

Let’s start with where I come from.

Loud and proud, I come from South Africa. Honestly, it’s one of the most beautiful countries in the world. For those of you who aren’t South African or have never been there, this should be your next travel destination.

There's tons to do and see; whether you’re a nature lover, cave hopper, bundu basher, off-roader, city-dweller, high-lifer, business traveller, fashion curator - or anything in between, this place has everything.

Don’t worry; in a few future posts, I’ll fill you in on some of the dopest stuff to do and places to see around the country.

As beautiful as South Africa is, I had to leave. 

Let me explain…

When I was a little younger, my grandmother emotionally blackmailed my parents into taking us on a trip abroad - and what a trip it was!

That trip, to my little mind, showed me just how little I knew about anything and how much there was of the world for me to see.

That 1 trip lit a fire under my ass and made me want to travel the world. I want to eat in every country. I want to do something unique in every country and collect stamps from every country in the world.

If you choose to stick around for the journey, you can expect to see a whole bunch of posts covering all the weird things I get up to and weird places I visit.

For now, here’s destination 1: Svalbard.