How to win at everything.

How to win at everything.

If you want to grow, you should harness a little Tyrion and Ser Bronn.

GOT S3 Ep03. Around the 40-minute mark. This is perhaps my favourite scene of the entire series.

See how they reacted the moment they worked out that Podrick succeeded in something they never thought possible.

There was no jealousy, well… maybe a little, but there was no animosity. They sat him down, served him a drink and started a conversation to gain knowledge.

Now, of course, people can argue that there is some level of discourse, given their hierarchical differences and the obvious power dynamic between the three that’ll almost never be replicated IRL. The people at the top seldom have this kind of closeness with the people at the bottom.

But that’s not the point.

They discovered that someone who has zero proficiency/experience can reach a level of success they never even knew was possible. Instead of responding in outrage, as I’m sure most humans would, they approached him as an equal and sought knowledge.

In my life, I try to emulate this attitude as much as possible.

I have this saying (I don’t know where I heard it, but I live by it):

“The game’s not over until I win.”

A little arrogant at first thought, but if you understand that winning isn’t the opposite of failing; rather, it’s embracing failure as a success you’re learning to achieve, then what the saying truly means - to me at least - is: “a win without learning anything is a failure.”

Long story short, seek knowledge and understanding in every endeavour.

That’s how you catch a W every time.