The God Complex.

The God Complex.

It’s an unshakable belief characterised by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility.

Essentially, it’s a “You can’t fuck with me” attitude.

Generally, people associate having a god complex with narcissism - and I can see why - because they share similar traits and behavioural characteristics, but I disagree with the consensus that it’s a bad thing.

Take the person who develops a god complex after trauma. In that scenario, it’s security - an impenetrable shield.

If you’ve spent your whole life being a people pleaser, and you’ve been taken for granted - eventually, you’ll reach a stage where you need to take a stand against being treated like a doormat.

When that time comes, and you take back your power, you develop a god complex because, for the first time, you’re prioritising yourself, looking to yourself for validation and protection.

A heightened sense of self, the belief that “I don’t deserve any disrespect”, is inherently part of the self-love and healing process.

You’ll find you begin to cut people off who hurt, disrespect you or make you uncomfortable - and you’ll have zero tolerance for people you cannot (and sometimes will not) meet your standards to protect yourself from being hurt again.

Now, obviously, everything in moderation. Taking this to the nth degree can lead to you closing yourself off from dealing with challenging people and personalities, closing yourself off from growth opportunities.

Regardless, this is a necessary stage in the healing process. In order to learn the balance between loving yourself and having boundaries, you have to experience both extremes.

Don't mind me; just working through some shit - I thought I'd share what I'm learning.