This is a safe place where we can Think Thoughts and Write Words. Don't be afraid to Like, Share or Comment. The only condition is that you thINK first.

Thinking in Ink. Something more people need to do.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

This is a safe place where we can Think Thoughts and Write Words.

Don't be afraid to Like, Share or Comment. The only condition is that you thINK first.

Welcome, and apologies.

I’m fairly certain that I’m not the only person who “hears” a voice that "speaks" when you’re thinking…

In my case, I’ve got 3.

I spend way too much time in my own mind, and my internal trialogue is too loud. Logically, inviting more people to join the conversation is the best thing to do.

So, please sit back, try and relax (yes, I know… it’s a paradox. Try anyways), and enjoy the beautiful chaos in my mind.

Meet My Voices.

Unthunk Thoughts:

Buckle Up! We’re about to experience some turbulence.
So here are a few thoughts I never thought I’d share on a public platform. 1. I believe in non-monogamy. 2. I like independent women. 3. Homophobia, as it exists today, is a construct, and I don’t buy into it. Buckle up, buttercup; this one’s a doozie.
My “Good Guy” Complex.
First things first, let’s weed out the people who aren’t prepared to be challenged and think critically with a quote from Jordan Peterson. “If you’re not a formidable force, there’s no morality in your self-control. Not being violent isn’t a virtue if you’re incapable of violence.” In
The God Complex.
It’s an unshakable belief characterised by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. Essentially, it’s a “You can’t fuck with me” attitude. Generally, people associate having a god complex with narcissism - and I can see why - because they share similar traits and behavioural
Creative Speculation.
I dunno what to call this, but I’m putting it out there - probably the most outlandish theory out there, but I think it would be cool. Morty is Rick’s father. Poor attempt at explaining this coming up: Time travel So firstly, Rick doesn’t respect time travel.
How To Be Successful And Black.
Can you believe it’s November already!? I find it amazing how the first 2 quarters of the year seem to move at a snail’s pace, and the second quarter seems to vanish - also like a snail. Without referencing the Disney film Turbo, which plays on the idea
“It is what it is 🤷🏾‍♂️”
I don’t know exactly when this phrase became a staple in my lexicon, but looking back, I cannot think of a time when it wasn’t. I recently learned that people who tend to use this turn of phrase are some of the most dangerous people you’ll ever
Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.
I believe this is a true statement, but I don’t think it’s an objective human truth. Let’s talk about why… So, to do what you love, you first have to understand what love is. Do you? I certainly don’t. At least, not in a way I
Shadow of A Man
If a man does not feel appreciated, survival becomes his prime objective. When a man is not appreciated in the area of his presence, he becomes a version of himself that he can give you and still survive. He becomes a shadow of a man. That’s a man that’
Self Respect Is Hard.
I’ve been going through a bit of a metamorphosis. Here’s one of the hardest lessons I’ve learned from it so far: How you respond to me when I make a decision that’s best for me shows me where your love lies. It shows whether you love
African American doesn’t exist.
I should start by saying that I’m not African American. I’m a black South African. I do not have the experience of being any kind of American, let alone a black American - so please, if you are, feel free to correct and educate me. Back to the
The colour of my skin.
“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.” ― Ellen DeGeneres. It’s interesting to note how many people, especially prolific figures and the health and wellness sector, punt out similar narratives - “The beauty within”, “Be comfortable in your own skin”
Would you choose money or passion?
I was recently asked this question, and without hesitation or doubt, I answered “MONEY”. As soon as I answered, I second-guessed myself and my answer because what does that say about me as a person? Truth be told, after a bit of introspection, I fully stand behind my response, but
If you woke up back in 2015, what would you do?
Before you answer, let me expand on this hypothetical a little more. You went to sleep last night, slept the whole night, but upon waking up, and you’re back wherever you were today in 2015, in that body, in that time, and everything that has transpired since then has
How to win at everything.
If you want to grow, you should harness a little Tyrion and Ser Bronn. GOT S3 Ep03. Around the 40-minute mark. This is perhaps my favourite scene of the entire series. See how they reacted the moment they worked out that Podrick succeeded in something they never thought possible. There
Hatred: is love really the cure?
It takes just as much energy (if not more) to hate as it does to love. Just like love, it’s not always at first sight. It grows over time and work, and it almost always devours you. Especially if you have a large capacity to love. I don’t
Hurt people hurt people: A new era of toxicity.
Let’s face it: men can never get it right. Am I right, ladies? While expectations and standards are good to have, the truth is that when it comes to men, simplicity is always better, and it is better to be realistic for your sanity and ours. Still, as hard
Are writers and designers becoming obsolete?
Short answer: I think so. But we can change that. Today, tech innovations and advances in AI and machine learning are making their way into every industry. People are 1 or 2 Google searches away from finding free generators for logo and design, copywriting and SEO, and even multimedia like
“Want” is not a prerequisite of responsibility.
I’ve always known this, but I’ve never actually contextualised it before. For example, whether you want to or not, it’s your responsibility to go to work, do the job and do it right. I’ve always been the kind of person to “just get on with it” in
Thinking Thoughts
Almost everyone who knows me knows I’m a straight shooter. I call it as I see it, and I’ve no shame about it. For the most part, that has served me well. The people in my life know that if you ask me about anything, I’ll tell
Creative Appreciation: PT1
Let’s talk about Hobo Johnson. First of all, I’ma cop to it - I love it. Many people don’t, but I’d say that’s the point, isn’t it? I’ve been trying to put my finger on it and get to the bottom of this
Your Comfort Zone Is Not A Good Benchmark.
When you’re used to being passive, assertiveness feels like aggression. When you’re not used to being confident, confidence feels like arrogance. Self-love and appreciation feel selfish when you’re used to not having your needs met. Your comfort zone is not a good benchmark. Prioritising yourself takes time