Creative Appreciation: PT1

Creative Appreciation: PT1

Let’s talk about Hobo Johnson.

First of all, I’ma cop to it - I love it. Many people don’t, but I’d say that’s the point, isn’t it?

I’ve been trying to put my finger on it and get to the bottom of this for quite some time, but I can’t seem to.

So, maybe let’s start with analysing artists as a whole.

So, generally, most artists fit into some genre or subcategory of music. The problem with Hobo Johnson is that he doesn’t really fit in any.

I’m sure we can agree that he’s probably one of the most polarising people in music - not because of his personality in the same way other artists repeatedly break headlines with controversial topics - from what I can see, he’s a nice guy.

Rather, it’s his musical style. He either attracts your attention or completely repels it.

Now, looking at him musically, he’s kind of a musician and yet, at the same time, he’s not. I think we can all agree that he’s a vocalist, though - right?

Wrong. People argue the validity of that claim, saying he’s a musician or poet or just a masterful wordsmith.

Personally, given his lyrical delivery, I’d say he’s closer to being a slam poet than anything else.

Beyond the Music, his aesthetic is questionable. He’s got this vibe that screams teenage angst - which does translate into his music.

For many people, it sounds like he’s ranting more than performing - and that’s where people lose interest because they can’t seem to latch onto any compositional work.

I won’t be the person to say he’s a musician or not definitively, and I would be the judge or jury on his style and delivery.

What I will say is that he’s an even mix of interest and disdain, thought provocation and blind silliness, hard work and talent, and a splash of weird - and that makes him a creative.