Would you choose money or passion?

Would you choose money or passion?
Photo by Josh Appel / Unsplash

I was recently asked this question, and without hesitation or doubt, I answered “MONEY”.

As soon as I answered, I second-guessed myself and my answer because what does that say about me as a person?

Truth be told, after a bit of introspection, I fully stand behind my response, but for those of you thinking it -  I’m not as money-hungry as you think.

Firstly, you can’t eat passion. Even chefs hardly ever eat what they make. 9 times out of 10, their meals are a quick sandwich out in the back while their patrons eat their passion.

Secondly, passion doesn’t pay the bills - money does.

And lastly, I believe that to live your passions or to make your passions make you money, you need money to start.

I don’t believe it’s impossible to choose passion over money, but I believe that the ability to choose passion over money is the goal, not the start.

As a young man, this is the time to chase the bag💰. Similar to the saying most rich people will say: “Work smart, not hard”. What many people fail to recognise is that sometimes, the smart thing to do is to work hard. Chasing the bag is a smart thing to do.

I’d rather work my ass off through my 20s, making what I call “Smart Money Moves” everywhere I can, and maximise my value as a person (financially, physically, and psychologically) rather than party through my 20s and try to start building a career in my 30’s and have heart attacks at my desk and die at 60 from work-related stress.

So, would I choose money over passion?

Today, absolutely, but ask me again in 10 years.